it is blivd in common that bauty xists vrywhr on th campus as long as you hav an y for it. som popl hold that natural scns, spcially at dawn, ar th most bautiful on th campus whil othrs bliv that it is in th aftrnoon whn th playgrounds ar floodd with studnts taking part in my opinion, th bst scn on th campus is during th rush hour whn thousands of studnts rush towards th prcisly th sam tim as th bll rings, som studnts dash from th chairs, rushing to th cantn. thy st th prlud to th most attractiv scn of th whol day.within a fw minuts, all th classrooms bcom mpty and vryon starts thir journy for lunch, on foot or by bik. it givs popl th imprssion that lunch is th most important thing in th world. most of th studnts mov at th sam spd,with th xcption of svral xcllnt cyclists. thy shuttl smoothly in th crowds just lik fish swimming frly in th sa.on th way to th cantn, vryon looks anxious. but onc insid, a look of prid and triumph taks ovr. somtims,it bubbls up in my mind that th rush hour hustl and bustl is th pitom of th intns comptition in ral lif. if you want to raliz your xpctations, you must b armd with skills and knowldg, us tim and rsourcs fficintly and th most importantly, hav a halthy body.