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参观科技馆-Visiting the Science Museum,参观科技馆-Visiting t
更新时间:2025-01-26 06:40:09

参观科技馆-Visiting th Scinc Musum,参观科技馆-Visiting t参观科技馆-Visiting th Scinc Musum 由 May 1st Sunday Fin.

参观科技馆-Visiting the Science Museum,参观科技馆-Visiting t

It was fin today, Lily and I wnt to visit th Scinc Musum. It is about two kilomtrs away from our homs, so w dcidd to go thr by bik. W st off at 8 o'clock. At th musum w saw a lot of intrsting things. W could oprat som quipmnt. Thr w mt many classmats and frinds. W thought w had larnd a lot and wr mor intrstd in scinc.

At half past lvn w lft th musum for hom. W njoyd ourslvs in th musum today. 5月1日 星期日 晴


十一点半,我们离开科技馆回家了。今天我们在科技馆过得很愉快。May 1st Sunday Fin

Lily and I ar vry intrstd in scinc, so w dcidd to visit th Scinc Musum today. It is not too far from our homs.It is about two kilomtrs, so w thought it was bttr to go thr by bik.

At ight w st off. It was vry nic and sunny. Whn w got to th gat, thr wr many popl waiting thr. W mt som of my classmats and tachrs. Thr w saw a lot of intrsting things and quipmnt. W could touch thm and vn oprat somthing. W thought w had larnd a lot and wr mor intrstd in scinc.

At half past lvn w had to lav for hom. How happy w wr today! 5月1日 星期日 晴



十一点半我们不得不离开科技馆回家了。今天我们可真愉快呀! 参观科技馆-Visiting th Scinc Musum 由

标签: the mid autumn festival 中秋节
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