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更新时间:2025-02-26 08:11:26

Rspcting Parnts Programm


Showing rspct to parnts is on of th Chins traditional moral valus.As most of th studntstodayar “thonlychild” in thirfamily, thyoftn rgard thmslvs as th“cntr”ofthfamily, without caringmuchabout thir parnts. Our school startd a programm whn th nw yar cam.It is “Rspcting parnts programm”. Tn“Do's”hav bn workd out for th studnts to follow clarly and asily, including:

“Rmmbr your parnts' birthdays and xprss your bst wishs to thm; say”hllo“to your parnts whn you s thm rturning hom; and tll your parnts whr you go whn you lav hom.”

Th programm has bn succssful, and has won praiss from parnts and othr sids of th socity. Popl say this is what w should hav don arlir!


How to Protct Your ysight

It is important for vryon to kp good ysight. But do you know how to protct your ysight?

First, don't kp your ys working for a long tim.You'd bttr hav a rst by looking in th long distanc aftr you hav studid an hour or so.

Scond, pay attntion to th following: Don't rad in th sun or in a poor light; don't rad in bd or in a moving bus. And whn you rad you should kp th book away from your ys for about a foot.

And third, do y-xrciss vry day. It will also hlp you kp good ysight.

If you oby th ruls abov, I think,you may prvnt your ysight from bcoming short-sightd.


Dar Anna,

How glad I am to har from you and to know that you ar gtting on wll with your Chins study at Bijing Univrsity.

To larn a forign languag, on should not only study th languag itslf, but also study th vryday lif of th nativ spakrs of th languag.You'v bn in China for only half a yar. I don't think you hav known much about our lif at hom. Why not com to my plac and spnd th Spring Fstival with my family?

My parnts and I ar looking forward to sing you. W'll surly mt you at th station.

Bst wishs!


Li Hong


Tim is important to vryon. Lost tim will nvr com back. W must kp this in mind in our daily lif and mak th bst us of our tim. Only in this way can w succd in lif.

How can w mak full us of our tim? First of all,w'dbttr mak a plan. W should arrang our study, work and rst. W can know what w should do nxt so that w can sav as much tim as possibl whn w study or work, w should put our harts into it. W should spnd vry minut on it.Aftr a priodof tim's study andworkwcantak a good rst.

I think that all of us should mphasiz using our tim ffctivly.


Jun 5,Sunday


I wnt out to s a film aftr suppr. On my way to th cinma, I mt an nglishman namd John, who had lost his way. I gav up th chanc to s th film and took him to his hotl. Whil going thr, I told him th grat changs that had takn plac hr in th past fw yars and John told m somthing about his country.

Though I had missd th film, I flt vry happy, for I had not only hlpd John gt out of troubl, but also practisd my spokn nglish. If I had not workd hard at nglish, I would not hav bn abl to hlp John.


Thr is a nw markt nar my hous.My mothr oftn gos thr and buys what w nd for our mals. But I had nvr bn thr bfor.

Ystrday I wnt to th markt with my mothr. Thr wr so many popl that w could hardly mak our way out of th crowds. Thr wr all kinds of vgtabls, fish and fruit vrywhr. Popl wr talking about th goods and th prics. Th sllrs shouts could b hard vry now and thn.I rmmbrd that th day bfor I had askd Mothr to buy som frsh fish.Most of th fish thr was frozn, but w had not much troubl in finding som frsh fish at th othr part of th markt. My mothr bought somthing ls as wll.

It was my first tim to go to th markt, and I was dply imprssd by what I saw in th markt.


Mr David cam to China, for th scond tim, this spring. During his stay in China, h visitd svral citis.

In Bijing h visitd th Grat Wll, and th nxt day h lft for Nanjing by train, whr h visitd th Nanjing Changjiang Rivr Bridg. Aftr that h travlld to Hangzhou by air and wnt sight-sing on th Wst Lak. Thn h got to Guangzhou by train and gav a rport on Amrican nglish. Latr h wnt to Shanghai by sa, and bought ovr tn books in Chins. Aftr two wks, Mr David rturnd to Bijing by plan.


A nw nglish taching programm will b broadcast by CCTV.It is calld Lif in Amrica. It will hlp middl school studnts to know mor about Amrica and improv thir nglish at th sam tim. This programm will bgin on May 1 thisyar. You can watch it from 5:00to 5:30PMachday and njoy it againfrom9:30AMthnxtday onChannlTwo.

Wlcom to th programm and njoy yourslvs.


On day Mrs. Black wrot a lttr to hr frind, who was a doctor,inviting him to hav dinnr with hr family. A fw days latr, th doctor wrot back, but sh was not abl to rad his writing, bcaus th lttr was writtn carlssly. Anyway, hr husband got an ida. H told hr that a chmist mayb could rad th doctor's writing. So Mrs. Black wnt to th chmist's shop. Th chmist in th shop rad th lttr and thn gav hr a larg bottl of mdicin. Finally Mrs. Black still had no ida whthr hr frind would com to hav dinnr or not.


Dar Wang Fang,

Thank you so much for your kind invitation to spnd th summr holidays with you. It was vry good of you to invit m, but I'm sorry to say that I shall not b abl to go. I will tll you why. First of all, my mothr is sriously ill. And my fathr is always busy with his work. I shall hav to look aftr my mothr and do som houswork.

Thank you again for your invitation.

Yours sincrly

Xiao Hong

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