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A Visit to the National Palace Museum-故宫博物院之游,A Visit
更新时间:2025-02-28 11:27:21

A Visit to th National Palac Musum-故宫博物院之游 Rcntly I spnt ovr thr hours looking, rading and njoying th xhibits at th National Palac Musum locatd in th suburbs. Many local and forign visitors go thr daily to tak picturs outsid and spnd ndlss hours insid. No camras ar allowd insid, but you can buy you can buy colord slids of th xhibits in th gift shop downstairs. Thr is a vry larg collction of bautiful jads. Also, thr is an ancint bronz vssl xhibit. Som of th xhibits ar changd rgularly for spcial collctions such as porclain and silk paintings. My attntion was mainly in th room with th wall-siz slid show dscribing som archological discovris from pr-history tin. Also, th oracl bons’ xhibit was vry good; thr smd to b an ndlss amount of rar, bautiful, intrsting, and fascinating things. A Visit to th National Palac Musum-故宫博物院之游

A Visit to the National Palace Museum-故宫博物院之游,A Visit

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