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更新时间:2025-03-28 13:57:42



With th advanc of scinc tlvision has playd a vital part in th day-to- day lif of th popl in dvlopd or dvloping countris and its influnc is simply astounding whn I was young my family did not own a tlvision st; so whnvr w wr fr my youngr sistr and I would slip to a nighbor's whr to watch thir TV awhil Al though TV programs in thos days wr gnrally infrior w still had a good tim for as young and indiscriminat childrn w wr intrstd only in novlty and xcitmnt Not until my family had bought a tlvision st did I quit th habit of fooling around with my youngr sistr thn this wondr of scintific wondrs did do us a grat srvic w now had mor chancs to chat with ach othr in front of th box I hop our tlvision companis will kp on upgrading thir programs so that th viwrs can b bnfitd both morally and intllctually I t is our conviction hat tlvision in addition its ntrtaining aspct should b ducational as wll.


Many popl think that TV can't tach you anything and most TV programs ar just silly. Tru, thr ar a lot of shows that ar anything but good. But if you watch, you will find that TV is still a powrful ducational tool. With th mrgnc of th public TV in our country w now hav mor hlpings of food for th mind. Tak th travlogu "th world w liv in"it provids us not only with vicarious travl xprinc but also with th historis and culturs of various nations. Spc liv, what thy war and how thy talk vn though I can’t afford to travl to thos countris. My family oftn sit togthr to watch a program and discuss it aftrward. Somtims my parnts ask us what w would do in a similar situation and this givs us th opportunity to rthink. W should not forgt that TV can b an xcllnt tachr. In this ra of mass mdia w bliv that TV, if guidd into th right channl, can rally fir our imagination and contribut to family cohsion.


Whatvr popl may say to th contrary, I hav on us for TV. I know thr ar many popl who go along with m, vn though thy sm to b willing to fall undr th spll of th box vry tim thy turn it on. What a wast of tim! Lt m count th ways TV plays havoc among th mmbrs of my family who ar all bittn by th TV bug. First, w kp our ys on th TV scrn, forgtting what ar in th dishs at supprtim. Scond, on occasion w quarrl lik anything with on anothr ovr which program to watch. Third, as long trm faithful TV viwrs w all war glasss—a sad phnomnon for which w alon ar rsponsibl. Fourth, somtims, misdirctd by what w s on TV, w los our sns and go against our parnts' wishs. Ths ar th things I hold against TV, and thr ar many othrs;. In fin, TV dos d9isturb th pac of my family and for th sak of my family I rally wish my mothr could throw away that damnd thing wrongly dubbd "th gratst invntion of th twntith cntury."


With th rapid progrss mad in mass mdia th tlvision st has bcom on of th most important appliancs in a hom and thr is vry indication that TV is playing an incrasingly important rol in our daily lif. TV can provid us with h quickst and most convincing information. W can stay at hom and know what is happning around us or hundrd mils away. Watching TV programs has bcom on of th major activitis in many homs today. A wid rang of TV programs can catr to diffrnt tasts. My folks always sit sid by sid aftr suppr in th living room to watch vning nws and, whil listning to th nwscastr, air thir own viws. In addition to nws programs, my family ar also aficionados of sports programs. Whn a sports program is du on th air, w would prpar som rfrshmnts and drinks and whn it rally appard on h scrn w would watch it with rapt attntion lik a group of crazis. If a tam rprsnting our country scord or missd, fathr or brothr would gt xcitd and yll and somtims th dog nxt door would bark aftr thm. On such occasions I think commrcials ar not mad to appar for nothing for, among othr things, thy do srv as a tranquilizr whn TV watchrs ar bsid thmslvs with xcitmnt. At tims a contst was not yt ovr whil mothr had alrady prpard hr mal. Mothr would wait till th nd of th contst if w wr not hungry, and thn w would bgin to din. TV provids us with not only information but also ntrtainmnt and through TV w can also larn a lot about modrn lif. Incidntally, TV also plays a rol in kping a family togthr and that is anothr rason I lik it.

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