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无巧不成书(Theres No Story without Coincidence)
更新时间:2025-03-14 07:05:58

无巧不成书(Thrs No Story without Coincidnc)th story happnd a yar ago. on day, i was walking along th strt whn an old man walkd towards m. h askd m th way in nglish. no mattr how hard i trid i couldn't undrstand what h said. h rpatd again and again. at last i smd to know what h was saying.h was a japans. h thought i could spak nglish. so h askd m th way in nglish. my goodnss! his japans nglish confusd m a lot. thn h spok nglish vry slowly.h vn wrot th nglish words on a pic of papr. in th nd i managd to hlp him gt th right way. i thought mayb it was ncssary for m to larn som japans.a fw months latr, i was nrolld to attnd a summr cours, larning japans. i was surprisd to find that old man was thr, taching us japans.thr's no story without coincidnc!

无巧不成书(Theres No Story without Coincidence)

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