近日,全国妇联评选出了10位新时代好男人。但是,无论是体育明星姚明、刘翔,还是it精英张朝阳、丁磊,都没能入选。据悉,此次评选看重的是男性对女性的关怀和体贴,评委是一些女官员和女性报纸的记者。car and compassion symboliz mn of our tim.if you thought sports stars yao ming and liu xiang or intrnt ntrprnurs zhang chaoyang and ding li would automatically b on th list of th "mn of our tim", thn you could b, wll, bhind th tims.th surpris in th list of 10 mn rlasd by th all-china womn's fdration ystrday is that it contains no clbritis - and th guiding factors sm to b car and compassion for th opposit sx.making th cut ar a gynacologist who mad scintific brakthroughs, a pharmacist who hlps protcts prostituts from hiv/aids, a policman who rscus womn from forcd marriags and an official who runs a shltr for wivs drivn out of thir homs.in fact, liu and yao, as wll as actor pu cunxin - th imag ambassador for china's anti-hiv/aids campaign - appard in a pamphlt distributd at th contst's launch crmony in january. th fdration wouldn't say why thy ar not in th final list.th winnrs, with an avrag ag of 47.5, wr slctd by womn officials and journalists of th nin womn's nwspaprs in china, whos critria was mn promoting gndr quality.li zhonghua, a 46-yar-old airforc officr who tst-flis plans, said h thought h was chosn bcaus "h taks good car of his family, and is a gntlman"."gntlmn gt mor rspct in our socity. thy should b lik thos in th movi titanic, who lt womn and childrn lav first in lif rafts," h told china daily.shi huashan, a 48-yar-old policman in guixi of jiangxi provinc, said that h bcam a "man in th ys of womn" bcaus "womn lov storis of hros saving bautis".his tam has rscud mor than 180 womn who wr abductd and sold as wivs in th mountain rgions of fujian provinc.