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人物特写:美好的学校生活-Happy Life at School Bill C.
更新时间:2025-02-18 20:48:49


人物特写:美好的学校生活-Happy Life at School Bill C.



Cathrin Wang是一名中国女学生。1999年1月她去了英国(UK)留学。首先,她为了提高英语水平,在Shrbom Intrnational Collg呆了几个月,然后进入Aldnham学习两年的预科课程(‘A’lvl cours),为进入英国大学学习做准备。Cathrin觉得在中国学的数理课程对她很有好处。为了鞭策自己她又选修了艺术课。她说刚到Aldnham时有点孤单,但那里的老师对她很友好,所以便安心了。她觉得,国际文化的混合使人耳目一新;住在公寓里伙食虽然不如学校里好,但公寓里有女生起居室和厨房。她珍惜在英国学习的机会,所以学习很用功;她要让父母对自己的成绩感到满意。她计划进英国的一所重点大学学习,然后回中国工作。谈到她在校的情况时,Cathrin说她的学校生活很美好。


Happy Lif at School Bill Condon

Cathrin Wang arrivd in th UK in January 1999. In ordr to dvlop and xtnd hr nglish languag skills, sh spnt th first fw months at Shrborn Intrnational Collg. Thn sh joind Aldnham to tak a two-yar‘A’lvl cours, which will nabl hr to ntr a British univrsity.

Cathrin found that th mphasison maths and scinc in China had quippd hr wll for two of hr“A” lvls----maths and physics. To challng① hr imagination, sh chos art as hr third subjct. Sh said it was quit rwarding② and challnging.

Although Cathrin lft a littl, lonly at first, sh said sh was vry gratful for th frindlinss shown to hr by th tachrs at Aldnham.

Cathrin has found th intrnational mix of culturs vry rfrshing③.As wll as making frinds, both boys and girls from a numbr of culturs, Cathrin found it comforting to mt othr Chins pupils at th school.

Th hous facilitis④includ a sparat girls' sitting room and th us of a kitchn, though, sh said th school food was good.

Sh is a hard working pupil and valus th opportunity to study in ngland. Sh hops hr rsults will nabl hr parnts to b proud of hr achivmnts. Cathrin plans to study at a lading univrsity in th UK bfor rturning to China to work.

Summing up hr tim at th school, Cathrin said,“I hav bn vry happy at Aldnham and I know I will nvr forgt th xprinc. I hav larnt a grat dal from th nglish cultur and my nglish has improvd normously⑤. Th school has bn good at rcognizing th nds of forign studnts. For xampl, w wnt out as a crowd last wk to clbrat th Chins Nw Yar. It was grat.”



①challng ['tM$lindN] v.鞭策;挑战

②rwarding [ri'w&:ding] a.有得益的;值得做的

③rfrshing [ri'frMiR] a.使人耳目一新的

④facility [f+'sil+ti] n.(复数)设备;方便

⑤normously [i'n&:m+sli] ad.大大地,巨大地



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