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给编辑的一封信-A Letter to Editor
更新时间:2025-02-28 05:01:59

Dar ditor,

给编辑的一封信-A Letter to Editor

I'd lik to tll you somthing about th changs of my homtown. My homtown usd to b a bautiful plac. Thick trs and grn grass could b sn vrywhr. Howvr, in ordr to build houss and grow mor crops, popl cut down mor and mor trs. As tim wnt on, th whol

forst was almost dstroyd. Gradually, th grn hills hav changd into a wastland. As a rsult, sandstorms struck us now and thn, from which w suffrd a lot. So, I do hop that all th popl should raliz th trribl rsult of not caring about our nvironmnt. What's mor, w should tak good car of th forsts and plant mor trs instad of cutting thm down so as to improv our living conditions.


Li Hua




Dar ditor,

I wrot to tll you about my worry. In th past my homtown was a bautiful plac with grn hills around our villag. But in rcnt yars,mor and mor trs hav bn cut down bcaus popl wantd to build mor houss and grow mor crops. As tim wnt on, th grn hills hav turnd into a wastland. It is hard to grow things on it. Bsids, sandstorms struck us now and thn, which brought us a lot of hardships. So, I do hop that all th popl should b awar of th importanc of protcting th nvironmnt. Thinking of th trribl rsult, w shouldn't cut mor trs without planting thm any mor. Without th forst w wouldn't liv a bttr lif.


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