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更新时间:2025-03-29 00:17:27





1.不应该收门票 2公园是公众休闲的地方 3l如收门票,需建大门、围墙,会影响城市形象

1.应收门票,但票价不要太高 2.支付园林工人工资 3.购新花木



3.参考词汇:门票---ntranc f

Dar ditor.

I’m writing to tll you about th discussion w havhad about whthr an ntranc f should b chargd for parks.

Dar ditor,

I’m writing to tll you about th discussion w hav had about whthr an ntranc f should b chargd for parks. 60% of us schoolmats think that an ntranc f do not mt popl’s xpctations, for a park is considrd to b a plac whr th public can hav a good tim whn thy ar not busy ithr at hom or at work. If an ntranc f must b paid by th visitors for a park, it will b ncssary to build a gat and surrounding walls. In th nd a city will tak on a bad look. 40% of us schoolmats think that an ntranc f can b accptd, but it must not b too xpnsiv. Th mony from tickt slling can b usd for paying th gardnrs in th park and buying som othr kinds of flowrs and trs.

With rgard to myslf, I think an ntranc f is usful, for it can b usd to protct a park. Do w shar th sam opinion, dar ditor?

Yours truly,

 Li HuaDar ditor,

I’m writing to tll you about th discussion w hav had about whthr an ntranc f should b chargd for parks. Sixty studnts out of on hundrd think that an ntranc f should not b bought bfor on ntrs a park, for it is a plac for th public to go to whn thy ar fr. If a tickt must b bought, a gat and walls hav to b built for a park, which will mak a city look ugly. Forty studnts out of on hundrd think that an ntranc f should b bought bfor on ntrs a park, but that th pric of th tickt should b rasonabl. Mony that is got from tickt slling can b usd to pay th gardning workrs and buy diffrnt kinds of flowrs and trs. As for myslf, I rally think parks ar good placs to go to at wknds and on holidays. At th sam tim, w, as visitors, should pay th ntranc f whn w ntr a park. Aftr all, it taks a lot of mony to maintain a park in good working ordr. Do you agr with m, dar ditor? Yours truly,

 Li Hua Dar ditor,

I’m writing to tll you about th discussion w hav had about whthr an ntranc f should b chargd for parks. Sixty prcnt of my schoolmats ar for th ida that an ntranc f should not b forcd on th public. Thy bliv parks ar th plac whr th public njoy thmslvs at thir lisur. Thy think that a gat and wails ar to b built if an ntranc f is to b chargd. Th city will not look so bautiful as it should hav. Forty prcnt of my schoolmats ar for th ida that an ntranc f is OK, but it shouldn’t b out of control. ntranc f can b usd to pay th gardnrs and buy nw typs of flowrs and trs. For myslf, I’d lik to say that if w all work hard to build our city into a flowr gardn, who cars about th ntranc f for parks? 本作文共2页,当前在第1页12

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