I Lov Summr-我喜爱夏天 英语 I Lov Summr【我喜爱夏天】 It is tru that summr is hot, vry hot. But th wickd summr sun is nothing to m, for I don't usually go out. What I lik to do bst during th long summr vacation is to stay in my own littl room and rad. I lov to rad, but during th school yar I could hardly find a fr momnt for rading. ndlss assignmnts prss down upon m lik a mountain. I fl confind and imprisond. Onc th summr vacation coms, howvr, I hav all th tim in th world to rad and rad and rad. I rad vrything I want to rad. I rad to my hart's contnt. My room mayb small, and th sun mayb hot, but I'm fr, I'm happy, I'm rally living! Oh, how I lov summr! I Hat Summr【我讨厌夏天】 第一篇: Thr things mak m hat summr: air conditionr, rain showr and ic cram. This sounds strang, dosn't it? Wll, lt m xplain. Air conditionrs ar an absolut ncssity in summr. As such thy should b a blssing. Th troubl is, howvr, thy don't cool th whol sky--thy only cool on room or building. So whn you walk out of th comfortabl air-conditiond room into th strt, immdiatly you plung into a gigantic ovn. And th hat is all th mor murdrous for th cool air you'v just njoyd in th room. Air-conditionrs ar rally an nmy in th guis of a frind. Thundrshowrs ar a common thing in summr. Thy nvr giv you warning in advanc. And thy tnd to com whn you don't hav an umbrlla with you. vry tim I gt caught in a rain showr I catch cold. All girls want to hav good figurs. As a girl, I naturally want to hav a good figur. But how can I kp a good figur if I at a lot of ic cram? Yt who can rsist a dlicious dish of vanilla or strawbrry ic cram in summr? On mor spoonful and I will probably put on on mor pound. So can you honstly xpct m to lov summr? 第二篇: In summr, th wathr is hot, th air is humid, and th wind dosn't blow at all. In summr, vrything sms tird--xcpt th mosquito and th fly. Thy ar vrywhr. Thy bring disass to popl. No on liks to walk or work undr th summr sun. Bcaus th wickd sun will burn your skin. So th hot summr confins you to your room. Hot wathr maks m drowsy and I can't study ffctivly. I hat summr. I wish it would go away quickly. I Lov Summr-我喜爱夏天 英语