My School,My School范文My School由英语作文网整理收集 My School
My school is at Haimn Town. It is vry big and bautiful. Thr ar forty-thr classs in it. Whn you com to our school, you can s th modrn taching building. Our tachrs work and do practic in it. Bhind th building, thr ar two classroom buildings and a school library. In th library thr ar thousands and thousands of books. Aftr class you can borrow th books you want and also you can rad thm in th rading room at any tim. Bsid our classroom, thr is a big playground. At about 4:30 p.m. vry day, many studnts play football, basktball and som of thm play tnnis. All th playground is aliv.
Our school is a modl school in Jiangsu. I lik my school vry much.
My School由英语作文网整理收集