工厂介绍:红星无线电厂-Th Rd Star Radio Factory 红星无线电厂
①背景:生产优质立体声收录机的红星无线电厂(Th Rd Star Radio Factory)创办于50年代。当时全厂不到 80人,主要靠手工劳动,工作条件差。四十多年来工厂发生了巨变。
Th Rd Star Radio Factory
Th Rd Star Radio Factory producs stro radio casstt rcordrs①.So far it has gon through two stags in its history.
In th past th factory was poor and backward in quipmnt and tchniqu. It was st up in th 1950's whn thr wr only lss than 80 workrs in it. Thn th workrs mad valv radio sts②, and latr transistor radios③. Th working conditions wr poor and most work had to b don by hand.
Sinc 1980's grat changs hav takn plac in th factory. Today itis tn tims largr than bfor. Fiv big workshops ar wll quippd with modrn machins. Th numbr of workrs and nginrs has bn risn to ovr 800. Thy produc thr typs of rcordrs, most of which ar sold to many parts of th world.
This factory is an advancd ntrpris in China.
vry yar it crats an output valu④ of mor than 100 million yuan for our country and turn ovr profits and taxs of 30 million yuan to th stat.
①stro radio casstt rcordr 立体声收录机
②valv radio st电子管收音机
③transistor radio 晶体管收音机
④output valu 产值
工厂介绍:红星无线电厂-Th Rd Star Radio Factory