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Believe in yourself
更新时间:2025-02-28 06:24:22

欢迎阅读《作文:Bliv in yourslf》,“ ”每日为您更新更多优秀的“一年级作文”,请随时关注! Do you bliv in yoursif? If your answr is “no”, it’s bad for you.  I think it’s  vry important  for us to bliv in ourslvs. Whn you ar in troubl, don’t say you can’t  gt ovr it. Thr is a smil on your fac whnvr you tak part in som gams, mayb smil is hipful to you. As long as you gt succd, your frinds will say congratulations to you . As w know ,Dng Yaping is a on of th most famous tabi-tnnis playrs in th world. But nobody knw hr hard xprinc bfor sh bcom famous. In hr tns, sh likd playing tabl-tnnis vry much.  Although sh wantd to join th tabl-tnnis club, sh couldn’t, as sh was vry short. Nobody likd to tll hr how to play tabl-tnnis wll. Sh flt so sad. Howvr sh playd tabl-tnnis by hrslf in hr bdroom day by day. Sh oftn lookd at hrslf in th mirror and said to hrslf, “I’m th bst in th world. I can do anything!” In th nd, sh won svral gold mdals in th world comptitions. Sh is wll-known. Sh blivd in hrslf and sh succdd. Sh st a good xampl to us .  Thr gos a saying, “Whr thr is a will, thr is a way.” Bliv in yourslf, and  you’ll succd. 来源: 《Bliv in yourslf》这篇优秀的“一年级作文”由 收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。

Believe in yourself

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