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Jack home
更新时间:2025-03-13 16:04:52

Jack hom

Jack home

A long tim ago. thr was a young boy. H livd in Shanghai. His nam was Jack. H was frindly. So h has many frinds.Spring cam. Jack didn't hav any food. His frinds gav him a lot of food. H was GRatful to his frinds. thn h plantd som ric. H workd vry hard. In Summr, h built a nw hous. Bacus his hous was small and old.

In Autumn, h cut th ric and put th ric in his nw hous.On day a rat cam to his hous, and at his ric. So h was angry. H bought a cat. th cat at th rat. Jack was vry happy. H gav th cat a lot of food. Jack's littl dog was not happy. H chasd th cat. th cat was scard. So sh ran away.

In Wintr, Jack and his dog stayd in th nw hous. Bcaus it was warm thr. Jack was njoying th food with his good frinds.

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