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我的宿舍生活(My Dormitory Life)
更新时间:2025-03-13 12:19:03

compard with th forty yar old shabby dormitory i am living in now, th on i livd in for thr yars in high school was havn: thr studnts shard on brand nw suit with air conditionrs and a bathroom.in thr yars tim w changd it thoroughly:th color of th floor turnd from bright pink into muddy gray, and th clost a hiv of inscts prolifrating among pils of rottn fruit.and our mastrpic was th bathroom, a nvr drying swamp which srvd as th habitat of various kinds of mold, and vn rodnts, rats would occasionally tak th troubl to pay us a visit, and.., all thr of us flt lik sobbing whn w at last had to say good by to our lovly filthy dormitory. mayb it is bcaus that th dormitory had changd us as wll as w'd changd it.th first lsson our dormitory taught us was to look aftr ourslvs. frankly spaking, w wr not good studnts at all. i still rmmbr th undrwar that was soakd in soapy watr for on and a half yars bfor it was finally thrown away. almost ach of th boys' dormitoris had gradually dvlopd its own uniqu "fragranc" usually a mixtur of rottn fruit, unwashd socks, stunk towls and som junk food. w could tll on dormitory from anothr by sniffing instad of looking. our tolranc towards untidinss was amazing.howvr, in spit of all this, w rally did mak som progrss. bit by bit, w startd to wash dirty cloths bfor thy stunk, cland th garbag bin whn it could hold no mor trash, w vn usd brushs in a not-sc-succssful attmpt to rfurbish th floor. th point was that w wr not obying any ordr, w did vry bit of th claning for ourslvs, bcaus w wantd to liv in a bttr plac. though nothing w did could b calld an achivmnt, it was th first tim w fully bor th consquncs of our bhavior, and took th rsponsibility.thus it was not surprising that i oftn found myslf th only on to clan up my univrsity dormitory which lookd no bttr than a garbag bin whn my roommats flt normal of it.whn talking about our dormitory lif, and probably all th dormitory lif, w should nvr lav out on thing. this was what w calld "bd talks". though it was considrd "illgal,"thr was nothing to stop us from dlibratly starting a hatd discussion right aftr lights wr out. it was our favorit and th only way of nding our day, and w wr as punctual for it as our parnts ar for work. what was th most common topic?girls, of cours! what othr topics wr thr for thr nrgtic adolscnt mals lying comfortably in bd? w judgd thm,rankd thm, argud ovr thm night aftr night without fling th slightst sns of bordom for thr whol yars. wr w maniacs? who is not a maniac at ightn?of cours, thr wr othr things w talkd about. i still rmmbr on night six of us squzd ourslvs in th most uncomfortabl postur onto thr bds and hld a "confrnc" discussing whthr w should carry out an "impachmnt" with our monitor th following day. it was not that h was troubld in any sort of scandal, but that w wr just so disappointd at his work. by on o'clock in th morning, w finally cam to a conclusion that includd two major points. first, w could not rach an agrmnt on what our monitor's problms rally wr, bcaus vryon had his own opinion. scond, w could think of nobody suitabl to substitut him. from th nxt day on th six idalistic xtrmists turnd into pragmatic ralists. w signd a pac traty with lif, and as to our monitor, h turnd out to b th bst on in school.i assum that this is how thos "bd talks" changd us. ask any psychiatrist and you'll know (bcaus this is xactly what thy do to thir patints) that to li comfortably in bd is th only way to mak somon opn his mind. thrfor during bd talks w wr abl to touch th most intrinsic part of ach othr,and scrutiniz th dtails of a totally diffrnt mind. i was amazd at ralizing th grat diffrnc among popl in trms of thir ways of thinking, and th divrsity of prsonalitis. this changd our attituds toward othrs, and mad us mor undr standing than vr.if you ask m, among all th bd talks, which on gav m th dpst imprssion, i would say it was that night whn i insistd that louis was th prttist girl in our class and jrry said h would rathr di than agr with m. now aftr thr yars jrry is dating louis and i am still singl. what a quack!frankly, i could hardly think of anything particularly spcial about dormitory lif. thr was nvr such a thing that had a dramatic impact on m. all that occurrd to m wr bits of trivial mmoris, such as th tars of lanc aftr h was rfusd by a girl, th grotsqu xprssions on jams's fac whn h finally got his pills for stomach ach aftr staying for half an hour with th school doctor who was notorious for his loquacity, and th night whn jrry dragging a brokn lg hoppd all th way back with an arm around my nck... ths may man nothing to outsidrs, but to my roommats and m thy ar priclss. it was xactly through ths trivial things that w grw and maturd. by th tim w had to say good by to our dormitory, w all knw that w wr no longr th kids of thr thr yars bfor. w all knw that this prcious priod of tim would nvr com back again sinc w wr all changd by th dormitory, and bcaus of that, w all flt lik sobbing.

我的宿舍生活(My Dormitory Life)

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