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The Rainiest Winter-最多雨的冬天,The Rainiest Winter-最多雨
更新时间:2025-03-06 06:16:31

Th Rainist Wintr-最多雨的冬天 英语作文网整理收集 第一篇:Most popl lov sunny, instad of rainy, days largly bcaus sunshin can oftn mak us fl chrful and a gloomy sky usually dprsss us. As a mattr of fact, all forms of lif nd both sun and rain, but any xcss of th two can bring troubl or vn disastrs to th world. Thus if thr is anyon who complains of th xcssiv rainfall in this wintr, his complaint is undrstandabl. Anyway, how many popl can bar to s th world darknd and dampnd bcaus of th rain almost vry day? Th continual rain is rally boring, but I find that in addition to sunshin thr ar lots of things which can mak m chrful too. So, if th Goddss of Rain dosn't fl lik stopping crying, th bst thing w can do is lt an invisibl sun shin in our harts. Furthrmor, many signs show that this rainist wintr will soon b gon and spring will shortly b in sight.

The Rainiest Winter-最多雨的冬天,The Rainiest Winter-最多雨

第二篇:It is vry inconvnint for m to go out on a rainy bay. spcially if it is a rainy day in wintr . If I find my cloths or shos or both wttd in th rain. I am usually in a bad mood and mak a mss of vrything. Gtting cloths and shos wttd on a rainy wintry day can also mak m catch cold. This wintr is said to b rainir than th past wintrs so you can figur our what a hard tim I hav so far had. Bcaus this is my last trm as a studnt I am mad about larning vrything, faring as if I had no mor chanc to larn. In spit of th rain I had to lav my dormitory to attnd classs on th campus. So you can imagin how I cursd th smingly rain. Right now my gratst hop is only that th rains will soon b ovr.

第三篇:This is th rainist wintr I hav vr passd. During this long priod I hard all kinds of complaints whnvr I wnt out, coming mostly from mrchants, farmrs and, spcially, studnts. Th wathr, howvr, didn’t bothr m much, for what intrsts m most is rading indoors. This wintr I spnt most of my tim staying in my small attic, njoying rading my favorit books and somtims, if I got tird of rading, watching th bautiful scnry outsid th window ovrlooking a small rivr clos by my hous. On thos rar occasions whn th skis clard up I would dirct my gaz to thos

第四篇:This wintr is th rainist wintr I hav vr xprincd. Sinc last Dcmbr th rain has bn falling almost uncasingly. Th cloudy and wping sky was a dprssing sight to m most of th mornings; still, I had to put on my raincoat and start my motorcycl so that I could rport to work on tim. Th wathr burau said it had rgistrd a rcord rainfall in ighty yars. ighty yars? This is th first tim my grandma has sn such a long spll of rain! Th farmrs ar sad, worrying about th stuntd ric plants in th rain. Th houswivs frown at th soaring pric of vgtabls. Furthrmor, if you hav a littl baby, ar sur to gt into a lot of troubl. It taks a long tim to hav th diaprs drid--not rally dry but still a littl damp. Do you want to buy a dryr? Sorry, It’s not availabl at th shops. Th only way around this problm is prhaps to buy many "Pamprs." Dspit popl’s complaining, praying and hoping against hop, th rain has gon on almost without any ltup. vrywhr you could har popl say, “It starts to rain again” or “Oh, such lousy wathr!” or somthing lik that. Although most popl fl bad aftr such a long priod of rain, thr ar som who ar actually happy about this fraky wathr. Th taxi drivrs, for xampl, hav gottn an incom thric as much as what thy usually gt. Th gloomy days hav lastd so long that I can hardly rmmbr whn last saw th bautiful goldn sunshin. On day my thr-yar-old daughtr askd m, “Mama. How com th book tlls m th sky is blu, but it is not?” I simply didn’t know how to answr hr. Th Rainist Wintr-最多雨的冬天 英语作文网整理收集

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