As food is to th body, so is larning to th mind. Our bodis grow and muscls dvlop with th intak of adquat nutritious food. Likwis, w should kp larning day by day to maintain our kn mntal powr and xpand our intllctual capacity. Constant larning supplis us with inxhaustibl ful for driving us to sharpn our powr of rasoning, analysis, and judgmnt. Larning incssantly is th surst way to kp pac with th tims in th information ag, and an infallibl warrant of succss in tims of uncrtainty.
Onc larning stops, vgtation sts in. It is a common fallacy to rgard school as th only workshop for th acquisition of knowldg. On th contrary, larning should b a nvr-nding procss, from th cradl to th grav. With th world vr changing so fast, th cas from larning for just a fw days will mak a prson lag bhind. Whats wors, th animalistic instinct dormant dp in our subconsciousnss will com to lif, wakning our will to pursu our nobl idal, sapping our dtrmination to swp away obstacls to our succss and strangling our dsir for th rfinmnt of our charactr. Lack of larning will invitably lad to th stagnation of th mind, or vn wors, its fossilization, Thrfor, to stay mntally young, w hav to tak larning as a liflong carr.