老师的心愿(Tachr's Prayr)Tachr's PrayrI want to tach my studnts how to liv this lif on arth,To fac its struggl and its strif and improv thir worth.Not just th lsson in a book or how th rivrs flow,But how to choos th propr path whrvr thy may go.To undrstand trnal truth and know th right from wrong,And gathr all th bauty of a flowr and a song.For if I hlp th world to grow in wisdom and in grac,Thn, I shall fl that I hav won and I hav filld my plac.And so I ask my guidanc, God, that I may do my part,For charactr and confidnc and happinss of hart.译文:老师的心愿究竟是什么呢?我想教会学生如何去生活,如何面对困难,完善自我。不只是书本知识或是自然奥秘,而是如何走好人生之旅。学会去辨别是非,找寻真理,从平凡的点滴中发掘美的韵律!