Summr is th scond sason in a yar. It is btwn spring and autumn. Th sun of summr is th hottst;th watr of summr is th warmst; th placs of intrsts in summr ar th most crowdd throughout th world.
Firstly, summr is studnts'th most favourit sason bcaus thir longst vacations of th yar ar in summr.Many of thm try to nrich thir social and halthy lif by participating in a numbr of intrsting outdoor activitis,includ of camping with frinds and family mmbrs, going to th bach or swimming at public pools,travling and sightsing locally and nationally. Howvr,som of thm try to mak good us of thir vacations in gaining thir working xprincs in summr.Othr studnts may try to improv thir acadmic prformanc by going to thir summr schools.
Scondly,summr is a plasant sason for all kinds of cold foods and juicy fruits.Ic cram is our all tim favourit dssrt.Yh,I lov ic cram so much.I hav to at som ic cram almost vryday in summr.Thr ar a lot of frsh fruits slling vrywhr. Watrmlon is proudly ratd to b th most dmanding fruit in th sason. All kinds of icd drinks ar gratly dmandd in summr.
Thirdly, summr is a hot sason for trndy fashion. You will s many sxy and curvy babs in your nighbourhood, on th bach,shopping malls, vrywhr in your ys.Hh.All of my girlfrinds and I lik to war as lss as w wish in th summr.I lik to war shorts and t-shirts all th tim.Don't forgt to carrry your sunglasss and put on sun tan lotions bfor going outdoor.
All in all, I lov summr vry much! You should start practicing your nglish from now on.As a 15 yars old boy, I am mor than willing to practic my nglish with vry opportunity which I hav com across. Last and crtainly not last,I am vry happy to hlp you with this work.I hav larnt a lot!