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爱的火焰(The flame of love)
更新时间:2025-03-22 07:00:42

爱给予了生活的意义。幸运的人得到爱并能让那爱的火花永远燃烧,这不是一天或几个月的事。爱是生活,生活也是爱。suppos you hav vrything; a good job, good halth, good rputation, good rlationships and lot of mony to spnd. but still thr is somthing missing from your lif. guss what? th lov. it is not somthing which you should ignor. lif without lov is just lik body without soul.lov givs maning to lif as without lov lif is maninglss. lucky is th prson who gts lov and kps th flams of lov burning for vr. it is not a mattr of days or months. lov is for lif and lif is for lov.short trm lov ncountrs ar not hlpful at all. b sincr with your body and soul. indulg in srious lif long loving rlationship and liv a halthy, happy and joyful lif.it is asy to fll in lov but difficult to kp th flams of lov burning. bfor indulging in srious long trm lov rlationships b sur that th prson you lov is also sincr with you. a slfish prson can mak your lif misrabl. if this is th cas with you thn try to gt rid of that prson as soon as possibl.most popl do not giv importanc to thir lov lif as thy giv importanc to thir profssional lif. in most cass, popl sacrific thir lov lif at th cost of thir profssion. this is a bad choic which ruins th whol lif. a snsibl balanc btwn th two is ncssary in ordr to njoy lif in its ntirty. do not dpriv yourslf of th lov you nd.popl part thir ways aftr living togthr for yars and yars. though this looks strang but is th obvious rsult of ignoring th gnuin complaints and grivancs of th othr. somtims a sincr apology, gntl touch, or a frindly kiss is nough to put your lov lif on track. howvr, whn dp diffrncs dvlop btwn th two thn profssional consultation is ncssary. do vrything to bring back lov to your lif, if it is lost.in ordr to mak th journy of lif mor xciting and njoyabl, you nd a loving and caring prson with whom you can shar your valus, drams, fantasis, joys and joks. in difficult tims of anxity, sorrow, distrss or loss of nar and dar ons this prson should stand firm bsids you and consol you in vry possibl mannr.lov your lif and lov th prson who is in your lif. kp th flams of lov burning to liv a grat, grat lov lif.discuss this articl with your lovd on and carfully listn what h/sh says. this can giv you a clu of his/hr innr sntimnts and th dpth of lov for you. also avail this opportunity to rnw your lov lif with a nw passion and commitmnt.

爱的火焰(The flame of love)

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