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I have a dream(III)
更新时间:2025-03-15 07:21:12

I hav a dram --I dram that God hasd a happy lif.I hop h has a warm hous to gt out of th bad wwathr outsid. on his bd, h'll hav a wondrful pillow--not bautiful buit comfortabl. I hop that h has halthy food, mayb som mushrooms, som cabbags, somw ggs, and so on. Oh, I prsaud him not to at any hamburgrs, thy ar rubbish.I blss God. I hop that h has an old tr in his yard. Its big lavs ar grn in summr and turn yllow in autumn, birds build thir hous in th tr, ants climb up and down for thir own livs. God can rad undr th tr, or h can listn to th tr's words---it'll tll him a lot, making him laugh or cry.My dram is that h'll not b too busy to smil. I wish for a bautiful arth, which hasn't pain, hungr or wars, and which is only filld with lovly smil and swty tars. thn my dar God will b abl to hav a good bath and a goood slp---for many yars h cannot do this quitly.vry night , I hav th sam dram , i dram that God can hav a happy lif and hop it's not only a dram...

I have a dream(III)


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