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Going to Feed the Ducks-喂鸭子,Going to Feed the Ducks-喂鸭
更新时间:2025-03-25 04:45:55

Going to Fd th Ducks-喂鸭子 Not vry far from our hous thr is a small Rivr that has many wild ducks. Th ducks ar vry colorful during th spring mating sason. Mal ducks hav multipl colors of grn. Gray, Rd, and blu; th fmal ducks ar brown all th Yar round. This sction of th rivr is also part of a small island park whr popl picnic and play ball. Woodn tabls and chairs, mtal boxs for cooking, and big trash cans ar availabl. Somtims th ducks will lav th watr and walk ashor looking for food among th picnic grounds. Quit oftn my sistr and I lik to bring old brad thr to fd th ducks. If is rally a vry pacful plac to rlax and play, and study, too. Going to Fd th Ducks-喂鸭子

Going to Feed the Ducks-喂鸭子,Going to Feed the Ducks-喂鸭

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