Mrry ChristmasIt was on of th last days bfor Christmas, and th as sistants in th larg stor had thir hands full srving agr Christmas shopprs.At on countr an old lady was choosing glovs rd ons for hr daughr in law, light blu ons for hr nic, pink ons for hr grand daughtr, grn ons for hr sistr and by th tim sh had found what sh wantd, th countr was covrd with pairs of all colors and sizs.Whn th salsgirl had finally writtn out th bill and was about to turn to th nxt customr with a tird voic. Thank you vry much, madam, th old lady suddnly crid out, Oh, I almost forgot...Anything ls, madam? said th girl, Ys, bgan th old lady, I'd lik to buy anothr pair, but I' m not quit sur about what xactly I should cloos. I wondr if you could hlp m. Crtainly, madam, was th girl's rply. Th old lady thn wnt on to xplain that what sh was looking for was a pair of glovs for a girl of hr ag. Sh was not at ail sur what color to choos, and th dsign was a problm too.Th tird girl did hr bst to hlp th old lady mak up hr mind, showing hr ail kinds of glovs.At last th chosn pair of glovs wr wrappd up and paid for as wll, and as th girl was about to turn to th nxt customr, th old lady handd hr a littl parcl and said, Ths now, dar, ths ar for you and thank you for bing so patint. I do hop you hav a mrry Christmas ![点评]这是一篇非常动人的记叙文。时间:圣诞节前夕;地点:一个大商店里;人物:一位老太太和售货员;事件:买手套。故事安排得非常精巧,尤其是它的结尾让人感到意外,又令人感动不已。只是篇幅有些长。[参考译文]圣诞快乐那是圣诞前的一天,在一所大商店里,售货员都忙着为那些渴望购物的顾客服务。在一个柜台前,一位老太太在挑选手套:红色的是买给她儿媳的;淡蓝色的是买给她侄女的;粉红色的是买给她孙女的,绿色的是买给她妹妹的,等她将所有她要买的选好的时候,柜台上已放满了各种颜色、大小不一的手套。最后女售货员开了发票,疲乏地说了声非常感谢,太太,正要转向下一个顾客时,老太太突然叫了起来,哦,我差点忘了&hllip;&hllip;还要别的什么 吗,太太?女售货员问道。是的,老太太说了起来,我想再买一双,不过我不知道该选什么样的。不知你能不能帮我选选。售货员的回答是当然可以, 太太。老太太接着解释说,她要买的是一双像女售员这样年轻的姑娘戴的手套。她一点也不知该选什么颜色。再说,选什么式样也是个问题。疲惫的女售货员尽力地帮她选好一双手套。最后选好的手套被包了起来,也付了钱。当女售货员正要转向另一顾客时,老太太把一个小包裹递给她说:亲爱的,这是给你的,谢谢你这么耐心。祝你圣诞快乐。