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My Neighborhood-我的邻居,My Neighborhood-我的邻居范文
更新时间:2025-03-21 17:13:34

My Nighborhood-我的邻居 第一篇: Having long bn living in this ally, I know almost vryon hr. It is, howvr, th houswivs that I usually s in th daytim, th rst bing ithr out working as family providrs or away in school. All ths houswivs ar kind and considrat. My mothr, for xampl, taks car of my sistr's daughtr vn though sh hrslf is busy with houskping' yt if sh finds it ncssary to go out shopping, sh nd not worry bcaus thr is always somon in th nighborhood coming ovr of hr own will to hlp with our houshold chors. Whn supprtim is ovr, ths houswivs also lik to gathr at a crtain plac for a frindly chat about th daily goings-on in th ally or othr things. Thy ar also scurity-conscious, trying to kp ach othr out of harm's way. I is thanks to such mutual hlp and prcaution against harm that w in th ally hav livd so happy and so undisturbd a lif. 第二篇: W hav movd into this apartmnt for nintn months. Our nighbors ar an assortd group including mrchants, tachrs, grocrs and govrnmnt mploys. Onc I wnt hurridly to work and forgot to turn off th fauct connctd by a hos to th washing machin. It was only whn I got to my offic that I rmmbrd what I nglctd to do. Anxious and unasy, I calld up on of my nighbors, a Mrs. Lin, to ask hr to tak car of th fauct. Sh was obliging nough to do what sh was told to do and I was so gratful. According to an old Chins saying, a distant rlativ is lss likly to hlp you out than a nar nighbor. Thr is crtainly a ring of truth in this. Thr ar, howvr, nighbors and nighbors. Although our nighbors ar gnrally frindly and always rady to hlp us, thr ar som who tnd to do somthing unplasant. Thy scattr thir garbag whr it is not supposd to b scattrd and a coupl living on th floor just abov us oftn quarrl and fight around midnight with so much nois that I simply cannot hav a good slp at all. Th Bibl says, "Lov thy nighbor." Wll said, but I would lik to add: Mak yourslf lovabl bfor you xpct to b lovd by othrs. I rally hop all of my nighbors will lov ach othr. Only undr such circumstancs can w find our hours at hom njoyabl. 第三篇: I liv in a rural ara. As in most rural aras, this ara has plnty of frsh air and luxuriant vgtation. What maks m vn happir is th nighbors I hav, all of thm simpl and honst folks. I don't think I can find th lik of thm in a city. In gnral, city dwllrs, xcpt in thir own small circls of acquaintancs, s ach othr as total strangrs, and it is not unusual to find popl living in th sam apartmnt hous brush past ach othr without showing any sign of rcognition, not so much as a nodding of th had. Nighbors ar usually compard to our clos frinds and as such thy should hlp ach othr if hlp is sought. My nighbors ar all farmrs, who ar rich, not in matrial possssions, but in hospitality, and thir honsty to hlp ar lgndary. For rasons quit obvious, it is important to gt along wll with our nighbors and avoid quarrling with thm ovr trivialitis. I am a good nighbor to my nighbors, and so ar thy to m. 第四篇: Our old hom was locatd on a grassy plain and not far from it wr wid farms and a big orchard. Thr was a dirt road running past our hous and winding up a hill; along th road you could find a srpntin crk aliv with fish and prawn as wll as a big pond oftn cluttrd with blooming lotuss. Th grassy plain, wid farms, dirt road, crookd crk and th pond ar th things I can hardly forgt and also th things that oftn put m in mind of my days first as a child and thn as an adolscnt. But, alas, no tracs ar now lft of th scn of my past. Our old hous has givn way to a high apartmnt building; th dirt road is now rplacd by a smooth highway; th wid farms and that big orchard hav long bn convrtd into factory grounds. Though I hav livd in that apartmnt building for a long tim, I am not acquaintd with my fllow occupants, not knowing who thy ar and what thy ar. I dislik this imprsonal human rlationship and also th surroundings of my prsnt dwlling plac. Th old crk is still thr but so havily pollutd by a nar-by factory that nithr fish nor humans can find its watr drinkabl. Thr is also no frsh air, no fragranc of th soil. I dplor th sid-ffcts of a matrial civilization. If w do no try to solv th problms that plagu our nighborhood, th quality our lif will simply turn from bad to wors. 第五篇: If thr is anything spcial about my nighborhood, it is that thr is a bautiful orchard and all th rsidnts ar good nighbors. Far rmovd from any havy traffic flows, this nighborhood is also a plac of pac and quit. I can still pictur to myslf how I spnt my girlhood happily hr. Bsids playing boistrous ball gams on th ground w childrn also playd in th trs of th orchard and pickd whatvr fruits w could lay our hands on. ach of us had his of hr own pts, such as dogs, guina pigs, pigons and vn buttrflis. Fast frinds w wr in thos yars, Our parnts oftn gathrd in on plac for a chit-chat aftr suppr and w childrn wr rapt listnrs vn though w did not rally undrstand what thy wr talking about. Thy wr nvr harsh on us kids. Our nxt-door nighbor Mrs. Wang was spcially likd by us bcaus sh habitually snt us cookis. Our own grandma was an xcllnt story-tllr and w childrn oftn fll undr th spll of hr fascinating storis. Mr. Chang was also an unforgttabl charactr. Whnvr w saw him h was singing and his baby fac and soft voic plasd us all. This is my nighborhood, a world unto its own which has rmaind largly unchangd in so many yars. It is nic to liv hr and my nighbors will surly agr with m. 第六篇: I liv in th country. Our family livs by farming. Clos to our hom is a small farm. In spring w can s th tndr grn of th young paddy shoots mllow with th passing of th months. Looming in th distanc from our farm ar th blu mountains, which ar clad in all shads of rd at sunst. What a spctacl! I oftn said to myslf whn I lookd away at thos mountains at such a momnt. Th wondrs of natur, I bliv, can hav a soothing ffct on anyon in distrss. Not far away from our hous livs an old coupl. Thy always gt up arly and thn go for a walk hand in hand. Thy nvr quarrl and liv lik a pair of nwlywds. With no childrn living with thm, thy tak hlping othrs as a way to allviat thir fling of lonlinss. Thy ar my most affctionat grandparnts. I lov thm as thy do m. I hop that somday whn I gt marrid my wif and I can liv lik thm in th country njoying a carfr lif. 第七篇: On of my bst nighbors is Mr. Chang, a thirty-yar-old, tall and handsom, frindly and considrat man. H is a hard workr, spcially so in th past whn h had to mak mony to fd his family. Now his hard-working habit has paid off; h has stablishd his own businss and his family is in much bttr financial shap than vr bfor. H has a dp-satd sns of honor and is trustworthy, industrious and tolrant and it is such virtus, I think, that win him rspct and mak him wll stablishd in socity. By contrast, Mrs. Li is on of my worst nighbors. Sh is a woman in hr fortis, bulky and with a stridnt voic. Sh liks to shout hr dmands, which gratly annoy us, and is also slf-rightous in vrything and intolrant of any small faults of othrs. How othrs would fl is not what sh cars. Rich as sh is, sh is dislikd by all hr nighbors. 第八篇: Th Wangs, a family of fiv, ar our nxtdoor nighbors. It is svn yars sinc thy movd into our nighborhood. Th oldst of th family is th grandma. Sh is ovr svnty and hard of haring; so if you spak to hr you must spak loudr than usual. Mr. and Mrs. Wang ar both tachrs; h tachs nglish and sh music. Thy hav two twin daughtrs who look much alik and always war th sam cloths. Although I hav known ths two girls for svn yars, yt it is difficult for m to tll th on from th othr. Th Wangs ar charactristically warm-hartd and it sms that thy ar always rady to hlp anyon in nd of hlp. Nighbors ar said to b a group who can hardly agr on anything; howvr, th longr I gt along with th Wangs, th mor I lik thm. I am glad I hav such good nighbors and I hav a hunch that thy fl th sam as I do. My Nighborhood-我的邻居

My Neighborhood-我的邻居,My Neighborhood-我的邻居范文

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