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I have a dream,I have a dream范文
更新时间:2025-02-18 20:02:43

I hav a dram,I hav a dram范文I hav a dram I hav a dram, I hop th school dining-room can provid us bttr food. I don’t think you will ask m why, I think w hav th sam ida!

I have a dream,I have a dream范文

Long long ago, I want to hav lunch with Frank Liu(classmat) on Saturday. W saw fw popl buy th bf noodl, so w dcidd to buy that. Thn w wnt to th countr and bought two bowls. I was vry surprisd to s that thr wr only thr small pics of bf in my noodl and fiv in Frank Liu’s. I askd th sllr to giv us mor, but w faild. I askd th sllr thr tims. At last, h gav Frank Liu two pics.

I was shockd. Thn I bgan to complain about this wick world . I promisd that I wouldn’t at bf noodl any mor.

At that tim, I had that dram.

Ystrday, I wnt to lunch with Frank Liu again. This tim, w saw no popl buy th bf noodl, it was vry unusual, and so I bought on. Too my surprisd, thr wr mor than six big pics of bf in my noodl. “What a lucky day!!” I said to myslf.

I was vry happy, bcaus my dram had com tru. But fw minuts latr, I flt worrid again: mayb thr days latr, thr will b thr small pics of bf in th noodl for th scond tim. I hav a dram

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