Ystrday, w had a discussion. th topic is. What is my dram? vry on has his dram. Som want to b tachrs,othrs want to b scintists. My dram is to bcom a doctor. My frinds askd m why. I told thm my story. Whn I was a small boy I was vry wak. Onc I was trribly iii. I had a high fvr. My parnts snt m to th hospital but th doctors could do nothing for m. thn my parnts hard thr was a vry good doctor in anothr town. thy took m thr. I was savd. A good doctor can sav popls livs. From thn on I dcidd to bcom a doctor. I know it is not asy to b a doctor.But I am dtrmind to study hard. I am sur my dram will com tru.