妈妈本来有一头漂亮的乌发。可最近我发现有几根白发在妈妈头上安了家。妈妈真是太劳累了,白天上班,晚上还得回家做饭。最让妈妈操心的就是我了。平时关心我的学习和生活,一丝不苟。要是我生病了,妈妈头上肯定又得多几根华发。 Mother's Gray Hairs Mother used to have black hair. But recently I have found a few gray hairs on mother's head. I know mother is getting more and more tired. She works in the daytime and cooks for the whole family when she is off work. She is always concerned about my study and life very much. If I fall ill some day, there would grow several more gray hairs on my mother's head.