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更新时间:2025-01-08 21:49:29

ssay comptition to mark Intl. Childrn’s Day


Stat banking giant Popl‘s Bank has ntrd into partnrship with th popular and informativ childrn’s magazin Funday Tims, issud with Th Sunday Tims, to conduct an all-island ssay comptition that will coincid with Intrnational Childrn‘s Day 2008.

Th comptition was announcd in Jun 2008, and was opn to all childrn island-wid. At prsnt finalists hav bn slctd from th 25 districts. Th scond round is schduld to b hld on August 9 at dsignatd cntrs around th country.

Thr will b four catgoris in which childrn can participat: ths includ Grads 2 and 3, Grads 4 and 5, Grads 6 and 7, and Grads 8 and 9. ach catgory will hav a diffrnt topic to writ on, and th ssays can b writtn in Sinhala, Tamil or nglish.

As a rsponsibl corporat citizn, Popl’s Bank has for mor than 47 yars carrid out various programms aimd at nurturing th talnts of futur gnrations. Through its ‘Isuru Udana’ and ‘Sisu Udana’ products, dsignd spcially with th wlfar of childrn in mind, th Bank has pavd th way for all childrn to larn th valu of savings.

Through this ssay comptition, th Bank, togthr with th Funday Tims, aims to ncourag th languag and crativ writing skills of childrn. Th winnrs will b rwardd with valuabl prizs and crtificats at a crmony which will b hld on Octobr 4.

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