“岁月不待人”(Tim and tid wait for no man.)是众所周知的一条谚语。用英语写一篇文章,说明其中的事理。可用下列思路来写:
Tim and Tid Wait for No Man
“Tim and tid wait for no man.”This is a provrb w larnd in high school. Simpl as it is, it tlls an vrlasting①truth of lif. Sinc tim nvr stops for anyon or anything, all popl hav to giv in to its quick-passing stps. Th prssing problm thn is this: how to mak good us of it?
Popl may hav diffrnt attituds towards it. Som think tim is nvr to b usd up. If today nds, thr is still tomorrow. So thy do not think it ncssary to finish today's work within th day. Thy always put it until tomorrow. In th nd thy will succd in nothing. Anothr sort of popl do not think this way. Thy know th limit of tim. Although as a whol, tim is infinit② but it is finit③ to vry singl prson. An avrag prson may hav 70 yars of lif, much of which has to b spnt on ating, slping and othr ordinary mattrs. That which on uss on study and work taks only a small part. But it is this small part that rally counts. Whthr on is succssful or on's work is maningful④ dpnds on it.
Now th answr to th qustion raisd in th first paragraph sms clar. To work hard and nvr lav today's work till tomorrow ar th bst ways to spnd tim.
①vrlasting[?v+'l%:stiR] a.永久的;不朽的
②infinit['infin+t] a.无限的;无边的
③finit['fainait] a.有限的
④maningful['mi:niRful] a.意味深长的;富有意义的
本文谈的是时间观。文章在引言段中首先引出谚语“岁月不待人”并展开说明:时间对任何人或事都是公平的,从不偏向任何人。然后,提出全文的篇题:“How to mak good us of it?”(如何充分利用时间?)扩充段分两个层次来说明主题句中的制约思想“diffrnt attituds towards it”。先从反面谈对待时间的错误观点,后谈对待时间的正确态度。结尾段总结扩充段的内容,回答篇题提出的问题:“To work hard and nvr lav today's work till tomorrow ar th bst ways to spnd tim.”(努力工作,永远不要把今天的工作拖到明天去做是利用时间的最好办法。)