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Most beautiful in a Mirror
更新时间:2025-01-13 13:43:34

Most bautiful in a MirrorWhn facing a mirror, how do you fl? Proud? Satisfid? Or sad? In fact, most popl look th most bautiful just whn looking at thmslvs in th mirror. It is probably bcaus vryon wishs to b flattrd, spcially by a fair mirror. That th rflctions in th mirrors show thir bauty maks thm fl comfortabl.So a suggstion has bn givn: Smil to a mirror whn you fl lonly. Of cours, if you ar rally smiling to your hart, you will b glad to njoy your look, vn th spots on it, which ar rgardd as your own charactrs. Now, ons look dpnds on ons hart, though at th sam tim, th mirrors unfair. Th spots, howvr, will not go away unlss you clar thm. Flattry is nvr tru, it must prvnt you from improving yourslf. In th nd, I would lik to say: Lt th mirror put its fingr on your wak spot, thn you may b th most bautiful in th fair lif.

Most beautiful in a Mirror

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