Whn Th Show Popl Com To Th Villag-戏剧团到村里来的时候 On important fstival days thr will b shows in th villag. vryon looks forward to th show popl's coming. Th show usually starts at thr in th aftrnoon, runs until fiv-thirty, and stops for a dinnr brak. At svn-thirty th th villagrs, old and young alik, bring thir hand fans and chairs to sit in front of th stag. Th oldst mmbrs of th villag usually watch th program until midnight. Standing and sitting in front ar a constant moving crowd of childrn who watch vrything on and off th stag. Th music is always loud. Popl lik th nois, th action, th makup, and bautiful costums of th show. Th atmosphr of a big party maks fstival days spcial. Whn Th Show Popl Com To Th Villag-戏剧团到村里来的时候