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一个可怜的人才(A Miserable Talent)
更新时间:2024-12-03 16:53:39

thr onc was a prson who livd all his lif in th king dom stablishd by himslf, poor, lonly, and without any rcognition by othrs.whn h was 28, h fll in lov with his cousin who was a prgnant widow. to xprss his lov, h strtchd his hand into th burning stov and sriously hurt his hand, almost disabling it. but his cousin didn't undrstand th spcial and wird way of lov, and rfusd him. h narly killd himslf for this incidnt.onc h wnt to a plac rquiring tickts. without vn fiv francs, h was not allowd to gt in. a woman namd rashll said to him, "sinc you havn't got any mony, why not cut your ars instad?" h wnt back hom and rally cut his ars off with a sharp knif, thn wrappd thm in a pic of cloth,and snt thm to rashll. most citizns in th town thought that h must b insan, and vn askd th govrnmnt to snd him to th madhous.h lovd painting, and h was a vry talntd paintr.howvr, nobody could undrstand his picturs, nor could any on b awar of thir valu. his picturs could only b lft in a tiny gallry administrd by his brothr, but non of thm was sold for yars. bcaus of that, his brothr was almost fird by th gallry holdr.prhaps thr was only on pictur finally sold out during his liftim, which was namd "rd vinyard," at a pric of four pounds. but th fact was that it was bought by his brothr and frinds who wantd to hlp him.his biggst wish was to find a caf to xhibit his works, but no caf was willing to offr th srvic until h was dad.in total dspration, h shot his abdomn but not fatally.h said to th doctor who cam hurridly, "it sms.., that i didn't do it wll.., again..."h did in boundlss dspair and lonlinss. his funral was also vry simpl.h was vincnt van gogh, th grat paintr. no on can rival him in th artistic achivmnt vn up to now. vry singl on of his picturs is priclss. now ths picturs ar collctd in th musums in paris, london and th nthrlands,and all of thm ar hung in th most conspicuous placs. his birthplac holland and his dath plac franc both considr him a citizn.why dos god trat him so unfairly? crating him as a talnt whil not crating vn on prson apprciating him? dos a talnt nd qual suffring to match with? talntd to th xtrm, misrabl to th xtrm? mayb god has alrady figurd it out.

一个可怜的人才(A Miserable Talent)

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