一个新房子(A nw hous)I liv in a nw hous. This hous is vry big. Thr ar a lot of rooms in th hous. Thr is a dining-room, a kitchn, a study, a sitting-room, two bathrooms, thr bdrooms. I lik a study and a bdroom vry munch. In my study, thr is a dsk nar th windows. Thr is a computr bsid th dsk. A bookcas is bsid th wall. Thr ar so many books in th bookcas.In my bdroom thr ar a lot of wordrobs ,thr’s a big bd bsid th wall. Thr is a map of th world on th wall, thr is tlphon btwn th map and th bd. I lik th nw hous vry munch.