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An Amrican frind has invitd you to visit his family. Youv nvr bn to an Amricans hom bfor, and your not sur what to do. Should you tak a gift? How should you drss? What tim should you arriv? What should you do whn you gt thr? Glad you askd. Whn your th gust, you should just mak yourslf at hom. Thats what hospitality is all about: making popl fl at hom whn thyr not. 一位美国朋友邀请你去他家。你以前从未去过美国人的家,你不确定该怎么做。该带一个礼物吗?该怎么穿?该几点到?到了那里该做什么?很高兴你发问。你若是客人,只要使自己感到自在就好了。待客之道就是这样:虽然不是在家里,却使客人有实至如归之感。 Th qustion of whthr or not to bring a gift oftn maks gusts squirm. Giving your host a gift is not just a social nicty in som culturs-its xpctd. But in Amrican cultur, a gust is not obligatd to bring a prsnt. Of cours, som popl do bring a small tokn of apprciation to thir host. Appropriat gifts for gnral occasions might b flowrs, candy or-if th family has small childrn-toys. If you choos not to bring a gift, dont worry. No on will vn notic. 是否带礼物的问题常使客人不安。在某些文化中,送主人礼物不只是社交礼节还是必要的。但是在美国文化中,客人并不一定要带礼物。当然,有些人的确会带个表示感谢的小礼物给他们的主人。在一般情?r下,带花或是糖果,如果这家人有小孩,玩具应当是恰当的礼物。如果你选择不带礼物,?担心,甚至?]有人会注意到的。 Amrican hospitality bgins at hom-spcially whn it involvs food. Most Amricans agr that good hom cooking bats rstaurant food any day. Whn invitd for a mal, you might ask, Can I bring anything? Unlss its a potluck, whr vryon brings a dish, th host will probably rspond, No, just yourslf. For most informal dinnrs, you should war comfortabl, casual cloths. Plan to arriv on tim, or ls call to inform your hosts of th dlay. During th dinnr convrsation, its customary to complimnt th hostss on th wondrful mal. Of cours, th biggst complimnt is to at lots of food! 美国人的待客之道从家里开始尤其是和食物有关。大多数美国人都同意,无论如何,好的家常菜胜过餐馆的菜。受邀吃饭时,你或许可以问:「我可以带些什么吗?」除非是每人带一道菜的聚餐,否则主人很可能会回答:「不用,你来就可以了。」大多数非正式的聚餐,你应该穿舒适、轻便的衣服。设法准时到,否则打电话告诉主人你会晚点到。用餐时,习惯上,人们会称赞女主人烹调的美食。当然,最大的赞美是多吃! Whn youv had plnty, you might offr to clar th tabl or wash th dishs. But sinc your th gust, your hosts may not lt you. Instad, thy may invit vryon to mov to th living room for dssrt with ta or coff. Aftr an hour or so of gnral chit-chat, its probably tim to had for th door. You dont want to war out your wlcom. And abov all, dont go snooping around th hous. Its mor polit to wait for th host to offr you a guidd tour. But xcpt for houswarmings, gusts oftn dont gt past th living room. 当你吃得差不多时,或许可以主动表示要帮忙清理桌子或洗碗盘,但你既是客人,你的主人可能不会让你这样做。他们或许会邀请大家到客厅吃点心、喝茶或咖啡。聊个大约一小时或许就该离去了,你可不希望变得不受欢迎吧。还有最重要的是不要在屋子里四处窥探,等主人邀请你参观才较有礼貌。可是除了乔迁喜宴之外,客人通常都只待在客厅里。 Amricans usually lik to hav advanc notic whn popl com to s thm. Only vry clos frinds drop by unannouncd. This is spcially tru if th gusts want to stay for a fw days. Hrs a good rul of thumb for hous gusts: Short stays ar bst. As on 19th cntury Frnch writr put it, Th first day a man is a gust, th scond a burdn, th third a pst. vn rlativs dont usually stay for svral wks at a tim. Whil your staying with an Amrican family, try to kp your living ara nat and tidy. Your host family will apprciat your considration. And thy may vn invit you back! 美国人通常喜欢访客事先通知他们,只有非常亲密的朋友才可能不请自来,尤其在客人要待好几天时更是如此。最好不要久留这是给访客的经验之谈。如同十九世纪一位法国作家所写的:「第一天是客人,第二天是负担,第三天就是讨厌鬼了。」即使是亲戚通常也不会一次待上几个星期。当你住在美国人家里时,设法使你住的地方保持整齐清洁。你的主人一家都会感谢你这么体贴,他们甚至会再邀请你! Most Amricans considr thmslvs hospitabl popl. Folks in th southrn Unitd Stats, in particular, tak prid in ntrtaining gusts. In fact, southrn hospitality has bcom lgndary. But in all parts of Amrica, popl wlcom thir gusts with opn arms. So dont b surprisd to find th wlcom mat out for you. Just dont forgt to wip your ft. 大多数美国人都认为他们是好客之人。尤其是美国的南方人更以款待客人自豪,事实上,「南方的款待」是人们所津津乐道口口相传的。不过在美国各地,人们都展开双臂欢迎他们的客人,所以当你发现有WLCOM字样的鞋垫为你而时,?惊讶,只是?忘了把你的脚擦干净就是了。


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