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优劣对比:孰优孰劣:要分数还是要能力?-Which Is Better: To Ge
更新时间:2025-03-09 06:16:32

优劣对比:孰优孰劣:要分数还是要能力?-Which Is Bttr: To Gt Scors or To Gt Abilitis? 由 孰优孰劣:要分数还是要能力?

优劣对比:孰优孰劣:要分数还是要能力?-Which Is Better: To Ge


当前,应试教育和素质教育是教育界讨论的热点话题。前者的目的是取得高分,考入高一级学校;后者的目的是全面发展,取得能力而适应社会的需要。目的不同,方法也不同,结果也就不同。在应试教育的思想指导下,教学的方法是填鸭式,教师硬灌,学生硬背,考不上大学就什么也不会做了。而在素质教育的思想指导下,教学方法是灵活多样的,把书本知识化为实践技能,学生考不上大学也能从事各种工作。请你就这一问题写一篇文章,比较二者的优劣。下列词语供参考: 1.cramming-duck hand填鸭式手段 2.flxibl and varid masurs灵活多变的措施


Which Is Bttr: To Gt Scors or To Gt Abilitis?

Whn askd such a qustion: Which is bttr, to gt scors or to gt abilitis, many studnts' answr lik min would b that to gt abilitis is bttr than to gt scors. To mak it clar, w hav to compar th both sids.

Two diffrnt aims lad to two diffrnt mthods and two diffrnt rsults. If w ar agr to gt good marks, our tachrs would tak a cramming-duck hand to forc us to do much hard work. W hav to larn by hart a lot of liflss knowldg. W hav to rcit many many poms and txts. W hav to carry a havy school-bag. W hav to do much homwork aftr school. All of what w do is mrly for a singl purpos----to pass xaminations. As a rsult w cannot njoy any thing. W hav no fr tim. W hav no holidays. W hav no gams and plays. W hav no plasur. W hav no childhood. In th nd w hav no skills or capabilitis① xcpt som dad knowldg from books. W ar not abl to wash our cloths. W ar not abl to cook mals. W ar not abl to labour in th filds. W ar not abl to oprat machins in th factoris. In a word w cannot do any practical work.

On th othr hand, if w intnd to gain abilitis, our tachrs will tak flxibl and varid masurs in thir taching practic. Thy will provid for all th studnts chancs to shar qual ducation and w studnts ar supposd to njoy all-round② dvlopmnt. Whil w larn knowldg from books, w ar showd how to us computrs, how to mak a radio or rcordr, how to mak xprimnts and rsarchs in scincs; how to play th piano or violin, how to sing or danc, how to draw or paint picturs and portraits; how to prpar a dish or how to mak brad; how to plant trs and grass, how to go in for farming by mans of scintific mthods; how to do businss and how to kp in touch with othrs. All in all, w can play an activ part in our studis. At last w will mastr not only book knowldg, but also th othr thr abilitis----living ability, working ability and mabagabl③ ability. Thus, w will srv th popl bttr.

By comparing th two idas, w can com to a clos that th purpos to gt scors is far wors than th aim to gt vanous abilitis. Only whn w know wll both scintific knowldg and practical skills, can w liv happily and work wondrfully in th socity in th coming futur.


①capability[?kip 'bil ti] n.能力;才能

②all-round['&:l'raund] a.全面的;才能多方面的

③managabl['m$nidN bl] a.可以设法的;应变的



2)本文句法的突出特点是对平行句式的使用。第二段分别用“W hav to…”,“W hav no…”,“W ar not abl to….”平行句说明了应试教育的手段和后果;第三段用五组“… how to….”平行句式强调了全面发展的内容。这样做,增强了对比的效果。

优劣对比:孰优孰劣:要分数还是要能力?-Which Is Bttr: To Gt Scors or To Gt Abilitis? 由

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