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改写:给母亲的信-A Letter to Mother,改写:给母亲的信-A Letter
更新时间:2025-03-13 16:09:27

改写:给母亲的信-A Lttr to Mothr 给母亲的信

改写:给母亲的信-A Letter to Mother,改写:给母亲的信-A Letter



Jan is not wll. Sh is at th doctor's.

Doctor: Good morning. 1

Jan: 2 But I hav a tmpratur of 38℃.

Doctor: And othr symptoms (病症)?

Jan: I'm fling vry tird, and I'm aching all ovr. I'v bn snzing (打喷嚏) a lot. I'v also got a sor throat (喉咙痛).

Doctor: It sms that you'v caught th flu that's going around hr. Lt m look at your throat and chck your puls rat.

Jan: 3

Doctor: Wll it coms and it gos. Nothing but a fw days' rst can hlp you back on your ft. I'll writ you a prscription (处方).

Ar you allrgic (过敏) to any drugs?

Jan: 4

Doctor: Thn hav this filld at th chmist's. Stay indoors, kp warm, drink a lot of watr. 5

Jan: Thank you, doctor.

A.Is it srious?

B.What sms to b th troubl?

C.You'll gt wll in no tim.

D.I don't agr with you.

.I'm not sur.

F.Dos it com and go?

G.I don't think so.

答案:1.B 2. 3.F 4.G 5.C


Aftr Jan's visit to th doctor, Jan wrot a lttr to hr mothr, who was out of town. Not that th lttr should includ th following points:

①What is wrong with Jan?

②How did th doctor xamin hr?

③What did th doctor think of hr troubl?

④What tratmnt did th doctor suggst to Jan?


A Lttr to Mothr

April 6th

Dar Mothr,

I fl bad today. I saw th doctor. At first I told him I had a fvr and flt vry tird. I was aching all ovr and got a sor throat. Th doctor thought I caught th flu that's going around hr. Thn h lookd at my throat and chckd my puls rat. Aftr that h told m thr was nothing srious. H askd m to hav a fw days rst and drink mor watr. At last h gav m som mdicin. I think I'll gt wll in no tim.

Don't worry about m.

Your daughtr,



1)这是女儿给母亲写的一封信。信的内容是根据上述对话中Jan找Doctor看病的经过写的。所以,信文实际上是一篇过程说明文(procss analysis ssay)。过程说明文最显著的特点就是用表示时间先后顺序的衔接词语连贯全文,如本文中的“at first”,“thn”,“aftr that”,“at last”就是这样的词语。

2)把对话改写成短文时,最重要的一点就是把直接引语变成间接引语。这时,就要注意正确使用如文中的“I told him (that)…”,“Th doctor thought (that)…”,“…h told m (that)…”,“H askd m to…”等具有转述功能的句型。此外,还须注意人称代词、指示词、时间或地点副词的转换和应用。 改写:给母亲的信-A Lttr to Mothr

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