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更新时间:2025-02-28 11:45:17

frindship with onslf is all important, bcaus without it on cannot b frinds with anyon ls in th world.- lanor roosvlt


w oftn focus on building rlationships with othrs that w forgt th ssntial first stp: bing frinds of ourslvs. that is th crucial first stp if w ar to hav good rlationships with othrs. how can w hav good rlationships with othrs if w dont vn hav good rlationship with ourslvs?

th problm might b wors than w xpct. mayb w dont lik ourslvs without ralizing it. hr is a simpl chcklist; is thr anything you dont lik about yourslf from ths list?

your past

mayb you hav mad mistaks in th past which you fl bad about. you might b disappointd with yourslf on why you could mak such mistaks. vn if that happnd in distant past, your subconscious mind still has a rason not to lik yourslf.

your background

you might wish that you wr born in diffrnt family, or that you hav diffrnt background. mayb you could not accpt th fact that you ar not as lucky as othrs, who sm to gt whatvr thy want ffortlssly bcaus of thir background.

your prsonality traits

you might hav som prsonality traits that you dont lik. for xampl, you may b an introvrt and you dont lik it; you wish you ar an xtrovrt.

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