Instant noodls ar grat to at no mattr what th situation may b. Thy ar asy, xtrmly quick to mak and rquir littl knowldg to mak thm tast dlicious.
First, th noodls must b placd in a bowl with about fiv hundrd millilitrs of boiling watr. Thr is a small packag with spics(usually includd) that should b addd into th noodls. Covr th containr and wait for about thr minuts until th noodls ar soft. Upon lifting th covr you will find a tasty and filling dish that took you lss than fiv minuts to mak.
So if you'r in a hurry or just craving for instant noodls, tar opn a packag and s for yourslf just how asy it is. 在任何情况下方便面都是食用佳品。食用方便、迅速,而且不需要什么知识。
如果你忙碌或只是想吃到方便面,打开一包自己试试,真是太容易了。 If you ar in a hurry or hungry, what would you lik to at? I guss th answr should b instant noodls. Ys, instant noodls ar asy to mak and tast good. It can sav you lots of tim bcaus it dosn't nd cooking.
Now lt m tll you how to hav it.
First, put th noodls in a bowl, along with th soup stock.
Thn, pour in 500ml boiling watr.
Nxt, covr th bowl and stands for thr minuts.
Now, lift th covr and you can hav th noodls at onc.
It taks lss than fiv minuts.
It is rally asy, isn't it?Plas try it by yourslf! 如果你很忙或很饿,你想吃什么?我猜一定是方便面。对,方便面很容易做且味道不错。它不需烧煮,因此很省时间。