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写摘要:我首次进大城市-The Price of Living in a Mechanical Ag
更新时间:2025-03-09 06:22:06

写摘要:我首次进大城市-Th Pric of Living in a Mchanical Ag英语 我首次进大城市

写摘要:我首次进大城市-The Price of Living in a Mechanical Ag



Imprssions Mad on M by My First Visit to a Big Town

I vividly rcall my first visit, as a boy of twlv, to a big town. I had hardly bn outsid th confins (边缘) of th villag whr I was born and I had mt and talkd to no mor than a fw hundrd popl; but thos fw hundrd I knw vry wll. Of cours w did somtims s a strang fac, but visitors from th outsid world, whos coming always arousd grat xcitmnt, wr fw and far btwn (稀少). Whn I rachd th town that I mntiond I was first ovrcom by th striking chang from th slow and quit lif I had bn usd to. Surly thos swiftly (迅速地) moving vhicls (车辆) must invitably collid (必然碰撞) with ach othr----or with us----at any momnt, and thos tall building collaps (倒坍) and crush (压碎) us all! But I soon forgot thos fars and bgan to notic somthing vn mor amazing (令人惊奇的) ----th crowds of popl on th pavmnts (人行道) who wr hurrying past ach othr without a smil. It gradually dawnd on m (我渐渐明白) that not only wr thy not intrstd in on anothr; thy wr strangrs, and apparntly (明显地) quit contnt (满意地) to rmain so. It was th lack of frindlinss among thm which most dply distrssd (使痛苦)m.

I know that if w ar to profit from th innumrabl mchanical invntions (获益于无数机械发明) of this scintific ag it is ncssary for us to liv togthr in larg communitis (社区). W ar thus nabld (使能够) to provid and njoy matrial bnfits (利益) which ar rarly availabl (少有的) in small villags----such amnitis (令人愉快的事情) as good sanitation (环境卫生), chap transport (交通), wll-stockd (货物贮备充足的) shops----and in addition th vry fact of our living togthr in larg numbrs maks it possibl for us to liv a richr social and cultural lif. Yt it sms to m that th mchanical invntions dmand from ordinary mn and womn so much of thir tim and attntion that thy hav non lft for thir fllow human bings. Whn I think of thos crowdd pavmnts and of thos thousands of popl hurrying to and fro (来来往往) apparntly with no thought for othrs I cannot hlp wondring whthr th so-calld (所谓的) bnfits of civilization (文明) in a mchanical ag ar not bing purchasd (购买)at too high a pric.


Th Pric of Living in a Mchanical Ag

Th writr first visitd a big town in boyhood, spnt prviously in th limitd socity of his nativ villag with fw visitors to provid xcitmnt. His nvr-forgottn imprssions wr first th spd and nois of town, and his fars that th vhicls① mt and strik and th high buildings fall down; thn th painful undrstanding that town popl nithr knw nor card to know ach othr.

Th plasant things providd by scinc, sldom abl to b got in villagrs, giv joys to thos living in big towns, whr lif could b richr socially and culturally. But th writr, faring that town popl wr too filld with th thoughts of machins to think of thir fllows, wondrd if th so-calld bnfits② of modrn civilization wr not xpnsiv. (126words)


①vhicl['vi:ikl]n. 机动车辆

②so-calld bnfits['bnifits]所谓的利益



1.用表示原文主题思想的一个词组“th pric of living in a mchanical ag”代替了原文的题目,这就使文章的主题更加突出了。


3.省略了许多细节,如“I had mt and talkd to no mor than a fw hundrd popl.”,“W did somtims s a strang fac.”等;多处用词组代替从句和句子,如“his nativ villag”代替了“thvillag whr I was born”,“fw visitors”代替了“visitors from th outsid world…”等。 写摘要:我首次进大城市-Th Pric of Living in a Mchanical Ag英语

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