How to study nglish?
Study nglish,You do nd to us nglish with spakrs who ar not tachrs of nglish. This isn't asy, sinc vryon fls constraind spaking nglish with frinds with whom it would b natural to us a shard mothr tongu. Joining an nglish Club is a good ida and joining a club with an intrnational mmbrship (whr nglish is in us at last som of th tim) is, for many popl, vn bttr. If nothing lik this is accssibl, you might considr what would b involvd in gtting somthing going.
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thr ar four ky points to study nglish: listning, spaking, rading and writing.
Firstly, w should b brav to talk with othrs in nglish. By doing this, w can improv or talking and listning skill.
Scondly, w should try to listn to all kinds of nglish programms as much as possibl. In this way, w can gradually improv our pronunciation.
Thirdly, w should oftn rad nglish books. Whn w com across a nw word. W should guss its maning through th contst first. thn look it up in th dictionary to hav a chck. I thin,, it is a good way of rading.
Fourthly, w should practic our writing skills. Whnvr w hav any ida, w should gt th pn and writ it down at onc. It is vry important to avoid writing in Chins way and using th Chins grammar.
As long as w listn, spak, rad and writ mor, w ar sur to mak rmarkabl proGRss!