Flowrs in full bloom in this, grn grass of arly summr, w hav ushrd in a grand fstival of Childrn - Jun 1 Intrnational Childrn‘s Day, I am vry honord to shar with th childrn togthr in this bautiful holiday. On that occasion, I would lik to lt m to all childrn, young pionrs holiday to xtnd my sincr rgards to th hard work, ddicatd gardnr to cultivat th flowrs of th mothrland who pay tribut! Soon to b hr today in rcognition of th advancd collctivs and advancd individuals xprss warm congratulations!
Pionrs, th childrn, w ar now in a hopful nw ra of challngs, you ar lucky nough to liv in a stat of concrn about th survival of studnts, tachrs and studnts in th pursuit of maximum growth to mt th nds of schools; so on “giv studnts th bst childhood, most giv a solid start in lif “as th cor concpt of school, portrait of crating” ducation “brand School; an” ducation and scintific rsarch as th guid to th xprimntal school in nglish at th cor charactristics Yucai School to srv th community for th maning of nw schools “; so on’s own idas and practic, practic, togthr with th parnts,” Our childrn, our schools, our joint fforts, “th slogan of th school co-opration of schools, th school nvironmnt of your grac, your skilld tachrs , School of your high-quality ducation and taching has bn vry succssful, you just giv your School School Award is fully ndorsd.
Pionrs, th childrn, you ar lucky gnration, th gnration is shouldring th burdn. Thr is an old statmnt: journy of a thousand mils bgins with a singl stp. Youth ar th bginning of a bttr lif, clarity of vision, brd hr, nobl sntimnts hr at initiation, th habits of good form hr, lif hr at th foundation of th glory and prosprity at th bright futur of our calls. W must striv to improv thir own quality of lif in th nw starting point, th momntum to bcom th nw cntury, th nd for construction of th homland of th wood-Dong Liang. At th sam tim, tachrs also hop that our附小his utmost to achiv a gratr honor.