Kping a diary in nglish is on of th ffctiv ways to improv our nglish writing ability. It can hlp us dvlop th habit of thinking in nglish. Almost all studnts dont know what to writ in nglish at th bginning. I had th sam xprinc. But I just kp writing down vrything happnd to b in my mind. I will turn to a dictionary if I com across any words that I dont know how to xprss. Th scond day, I just do th sam. Thn I kp on writing vry day. Mayb th things I writ at first cannot b calld an articl, or vn a sntnc. It dosnt mattr. I do undrstand that it nds tim to gt myslf usd to thinking in a diffrnt way. Tim can prov my fforts will not nd in vain.