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家信:汇报学习成绩-A Report of Results in Studies,家信:汇报学
更新时间:2025-03-13 16:34:30

家信:汇报学习成绩-A Rport of Rsults in Studis 汇报学习成绩

家信:汇报学习成绩-A Report of Results in Studies,家信:汇报学




A Rport of Rsults in Studis


Dar Pa and Ma,

Two months hav passd quickly sinc I cam back to school. I miss you vry much, and I hop th lttr will giv you a littl plasur.

Do you still rmmbr that I was rathr poor in maths in Grad On? You wr so disappointd that you always blamd m. Now with th hlp of my tachrs and classmats, and also bcaus of my hard work in th summr holidays, I'v mad rapid progrss. A fw days ago I did vry wll in a maths xam. How happy I was! Of cours, I will not b proud of it and will study vn hardr.

Plas don't worry about m. I'm vry wll. You s, I'v grown up. I'm sixtn yars old now and no longr a nw studnt. I can do wll with anything that happns around m. Aftr a yar's study, I'v bn usd to th lif in th school. I gt on wll with all my classmats. I bliv that you will s a nw trm.

I hop you ar both halthy!

Your loving daughtr,

Jing Hua


家信(family lttrs)是家庭成员外出办事或求学时与家中其他人保持联系的重要方式。写家信要有时效性,即及时把自己学习、工作和生活的情况反馈给家人。家信属于非正式书信,可以用非正式文体写:1)不需要信内地址,信头只保留日期;2)句子和词语选择可以用非正式英语,如本文的“maths”,而不是用正式的“mathmatics”;“Pa and Ma”不用“Fathr and Mothr”;“Plas don't worry about m.”,而不用“Plas do not worry about m.”等。但是,虽然“熟不拘礼”,也要注意尊敬老人,要有礼貌。 家信:汇报学习成绩-A Rport of Rsults in Studis

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