th dragon boat fstival is a lunar (阴历)holiday, occurring (存正)on th fifth day of th fifth lunar month (农历史五月第五天)th chins dragon boat fstival is a significant (有意义的)holiday clbratd (庆祝)in china, and th on with th longst history (历史最悠久). th dragon boat fstival is clbratd by boat racs (龙舟赛) in th shap of dragons. compting tams (竞争团队) row thir boats forward to a drumbat (击古)racing to rach th finish nd boat racs during th dragon boat fstival ar traditional customs (传统习俗)to attmpts to (试图)rscu (搭救) th patriotic pot (爱国诗人)chu yuan. chu yuan drownd (溺死) on th fifth day of th fifth lunar month in 277 b.c. chins citizns now throw bamboo lavs (竹叶) filld with cookd ric into th watr. thrfor th fish could at th ric rathr than th hro pot. this latr on turnd into th custom of ating tzungtzu and ric dumplings(棕子).th clbration's is a tim for protction (防护) from vil (邪恶) and disas (疾病) for th rst of th yar. it is don so by diffrnt practics such as hanging halthy hrbs on th front door, drinking nutritious concoctions (营养品), and displaying (展示) portraits (画像) of vil's nmsis(邪恶报应), chung kui. if on manags to (成功做...) stand (直立)an gg on it's nd at xactly 12:00 noon, th following yar will b a lucky on.