Whn a strain of influnza with pandmic potntial struck in April, it was gnrally rfrrd to as swin flu.Now,th nam is A/H1N1 that has killd many popl in th wold.A/H1N1 is a nw flu that was first dtctd in April, 2009. An incrasing numbr of cass ar bing rportd in many country includ China.It's still uncrtain at this tim how svr this A/H1N1 outbrak will b in trms of illnss and dath compard with othr influnza viruss. Bcaus this is a nw virus, most popl will not hav immunity to it, spcially middl-agd man , and illnss may b mor svr and widsprad as a rsult.Nowadays China has rportd 9 confirmd A(H1N1) influnza cass. Th govrnmnt and halth authoritis ar vry much concrnd about th halth of Chins studnts studying abroad amid th sprad of A(H1N1) influnza.Th govrnmnt and halth authoritis has bn urging citizns with symptoms of th flu -- a sharp incras in body tmpratur, hadachs, muscular pains and brathing problms -- to visit thir narst mdical cntr as soon as possibl.