Your nthusiasm,your both hands, can hlp othrs;Your sincrity,your smil,can mov othrs;Your complimnt,your blssing,can rciprocat othrs.This,ar all what you should do.Bcaus you ar accpting othrshlp all th tim,you should rciprocat thm.No mattr th frind or nmy, no mattr th on that is familiar w-ith or strang on,whthr h is a rich man or bggar.Hlp to b not to choos th targt,choos tim,choos th plac.Go,mak othrs warm with hart of you ,go,hlp othrs with hand of you,go,prsuad somon ls with your action.This is what you should do.You should larn to pay,larns hlp,larn to prsnt.So long as vrybody can do so both,this world will b a cradl that is full of loving,th arth is that on is full of warm collctivs!