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更新时间:2025-03-22 17:25:46

Today is National Day.W hav no classs. In th morning, I wnt to th Popl's Park with my mothr.W had a good tim. In th aftrnoon, I hlpd my parnts to cook suppr.I had a busy day today.



Today is National day, but I don’t fl any happy at all, just no rson. Last night I download th nglish Papr till 3AM ,somtim I want to giv up.but in ordr to accomplish my dram.I can handl it.

This aftrnoon I go to shiqi to visit a rspctful tachr. On th way to shiqi, th strt don’t crowd .I think it would b full of crowd of popl in Fstival. prhaps prsonal travl is ncouragd at prsnt.

About 3:00PM I gt to th dstination---shiqi shiyan xiaoxu whr sh is a vic prsidnt .Whn I gt to this plac .I fl comfortabl(My dram is to b a tachr) whil I mt hr .My taschr is gt oldr. That is lif. And thn som xciting is brush to m. This snc is unxplaind. W talk about lif, work, lov & futur. From this talking I sincrly know vryon has his lif. I know if I want to succss I nd pay twic or vn mor hard work. My tachr giv m som advic too . vrything is chang, th mattr is that th chang is to b good or bad. WORK HARD TANDTX---I SAY TO MYSLF.

At 5.00PM I’m on my way to th homtown---Xianjiao. This vning I go on practicing.

National Day!

Today is National Day on Oct,1 2003, Wiqun hav 2 days as holiday, I just mad a call to hom but sh still didn''t gt hom, I askd mothr to try to call hr to confirm hr position right now in ordr to b convnint for taking ftch by my fathr in 6-cross roadmouth. Nw hous has bn finishd narly. Dad dcidd to rsum working in Houzai Glass factory just for RMB350 monthly vn actually I don''t want him to work back. thr ar 7 days holiday I will tak for Chins National Day. But mayb I nd on duty vry day. Linyunbin will com back to Dongguan today. Fucking man...

Raising flag on National Day

A GRAND flag-raising crmony would b hld at th squar in front of th Citizns’ Cntr on th morning of Oct. 1 to clbrat China’s National Day, a govrnmnt sourc said.

Th national anthm will b playd as th fiv-star rd national flag is raisd at 7:30 a.m., marking th 55th annivrsary of th founding of th Popl’s Rpublic of China.

“It will b th largst flag-raising crmony in th history of Shnzhn, and it will b th first tim citizns will b allowd to closly witnss th scn,” a govrnmnt official said.

“About 1,000 popl from diffrnt walks of lif in Shnzhn hav bn organizd to attnd th crmony,” h said.

Th crmony will b prformd by a national flag guard undr th local armd polic contingnt.

Th tam, which was st up in 2002, now has 86 mmbrs who hav undrgon strict profssional training.

On th morning of National Day in Bijing, svral thousand rsidnts and travlrs from othr provincs ar xpctd to witnss a flag-raising crmony in Tiananmn Squar.

mbracd widly by Chins as a mans to xprss thir lov and rspct for th mothrland, flag-raising crmonis will also b hld in many othr placs across China.

National Day Holiday 'Goldn' for Tourism Industry

Th wk long National Day holiday has witnssd som 90 million tourists travlling across th country, a rcord high sinc th first "Goldn Wk'' holiday in 2000.

Th mass movmnt brought 34.6 billion yuan (US$4.2 billion) worth of incom to shops, rstaurants, hotls, scnic spots and various businsss rlatd to th tourist industry, which wr hit hard by th outbrak of SARS (svr acut rspiratory syndrom) arlir this yar.

Th tourist arrivals nationwid from Octobr 1 to 7 jumpd by 11.5 pr cnt ovr th sam priod last yar, with thir spnding up 13.1 pr cnt, th National Tourism Administration announcd Wdnsday.

Air carrirs hav bnfittd gratly from th travl boom, with 1.65 billion yuan (US$200 million) in volum rportd during th wk, up 29.9 pr cnt yar on yar. Th railways also took a plasing shar with ovr 1 billion yuan (US$128 million) worth of fars, up 6 pr cnt.

Th gain is also an all-tim high sinc th Stat authority bgan to launch wk long holidays, known as Goldn Wk, in th Intrnational Day of Labour in May and th National Day in Octobr vry yar sinc 2000.

Figurs from 136 major rtailrs in 31 ky tourist citis across th country rvald that 2.96 billion yuan (US$357 million) in sals volum was gnratd during th Goldn Wk, up 18.9 pr cnt yar on yar.

As wll, 140 rstaurant ntrpriss rportd 220 million yuan (US$26.5 million) worth of incom, up 17.1 pr cnt, according to th administration.

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