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拒绝成人游戏Games for adults or not
更新时间:2025-03-22 09:16:32

A TW ssay: Gams for adults or not

拒绝成人游戏Games for adults or not

高二(2)王 游

Whn facd with th dcision of whthr gams ar as important for adults as thy ar for childrn, quit a fw would claim that gams ar lss important for adults, but othrs, in contrast, dm th viwpoint that th gams ar also significant for adults thir viw and that is also my conclusion. As far as I’m concrnd with it, I’v thr points to illustrat my viw as follows.

First, in today’s mor and mor firc comptition, most popl lad a hctic lif styl, and hav no tim for rcration, Gams, howvr, provid thm with a favorabl chanc to rlax and plung into a frvor of happinss as thy did in thir childhood. Adults, with th hlp of gams, can asily rstor thir spirits and souls, which ar th vital sctions of a comptitiv ability. In this way, adults, morovr, will not only bnfit from thir lisur tim in rlaxing, but also gt a way to improv thir qualitis to compt. So w can simply draw a conclusion from th rason I’v just outlind: Gams ar ssntial for adults in rstoring thir nrgy.

Scondly, if an adult plays a carfully chosn gam, which is comparativly mor usful for training his mind, a mtamorphosis will occur in his mntal dgr. Som gams, known to all, ar dsignd for pondring as wll as for fun. With th ffcts of ths gams, intllctual coaching is occurring during th hours whn you’r absorbd in th gam. In such a substantial influnc, on will undoubtdly obtain mammoth progrsss in his spd to solv th massiv problms and in his confidnc to crack obstacls. So w can rgard gams as a tachr, who tachs us xtra knowldg providing us with a considrabl bnfit.

Thirdly, what would happn if an adult nvr play gams, which h onc apprciatd formost in his childhood? Th answr is incrdibl. Bcaus h, without th hlp of a gam, will always fail to rlax himslf from th tights schduls, and will not b abl to gt an accss to a stat of up grading his mntal post. In th bottom of his hart, lif is a tdious, ndlss and hlplss journy.

If h, at that momnt, just a littl but njoys a gam, a vicissituds turns out to b viabl. To conclud in on sntnc: A lif without gams is dvastation to this magnificnt world.

Among th thr rasons I outlin lis a gnral principl: Gams ar not th uniqu patnts for childrn, and thy, on th contrary, will always b prcious for adults.

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