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爱的遗鞋(She Left Her Shoes)
更新时间:2025-03-16 12:23:47

sh lft hr shos, sh took vrything ls, hr toothbrush, hr cloths, and vn that stupid littl silvr vas on th tabl w kpt candy in. just dumpd it out on th tabl and took th vas. th tiny apartmnt w shard smd diffrnt now, hr stuff was gon, it wasn't much rally, although now th room smd lik a jigsaw puzzl with a fw pics missing, incomplt.th clost smd mpty too; most of it was hr stuff anyway. but thr thy wr at th bottom, pild up lik thy usually wr, vry singl on of thm. why did sh lav hr shos? sh couldn't hav forgottn thm, i knw too wll that sh took grat prid in hr sho collction, but thr thy still wr, right down to hr favorit pair of sandals. thy wr black with a dsign tchd into th wid band that strtchd across th top of thm, th sols scuffd and worn; a dlicat imprint of whr hr tos rstd was visibl in th soft fabric.it smd funny to m, sh walkd out of my lif without hr shos, is that irony, or am i thinking of somthing ls? in a way i was glad thy wr still hr, sh would hav to com back for thm, right? i man how could sh go on with th rst of hr lif without hr shos? but sh's not coming back, i know sh isn't, sh would rathr walk barfoot ovr glass than hav to s m again. but christ sh lft all of hr shos! all of thm, vry snakr, boot and sandal, vry high hl and clog, vry flip-flop. what do i do? do i lav thm hr, or bag thm up and throw thm in th trash? do i look at thm vry morning whn i gt drssd and wondr why sh lft thm? sh knw it, sh knows what's sh's doing. i can't throw thm out for far sh may rturn for thm somday. i can't b rid of myslf of hr compltly with all hr shos still in my lif, can't dispos of thm or th prson that walkd in thm.hr shos, laving a dp footprint on my hart, i can't swp it away. all i can do is star at thm and wondr, star at thir lacs and straps thir buttons and trad. thy still connct m to hr though, in som distant bizarr way thy do. i can rmmbr th good tims w had, what pair sh was waring at that momnt in tim. thy ar hrs and no ls's, sh wor down th hls, and sh scuffd thir sids, it's hr fragil footprint imbddd on th insol.i sit on th floor nxt to thm and wondr how many placs had sh gon whil waring ths shos, how many mils sh walkd in thm, what pair was sh waring whn sh dcidd to lav m? i pick up a high hl sh oftn wor and absntly smll it, it's not disgusting i think, it's just th last tangibl link i hav to hr. th last bit of rality i hav of hr. sh lft hr shos; sh took vrything ls, xcpt hr shos. thy rmain at th bottom of my clost, a shrin to hr mmory.

爱的遗鞋(She Left Her Shoes)

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